Well of Stars

Photo-manipulations: other Tolkien world

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Lothlórien. Added 14/8/06. When I took the photo used as a background in this manip, I had the idea that I would make it into an image of Lothlórien one day. Created for a challenge at Elvenhome.
Nienna. Added 8/4/06. I found an image of Kate Winslett that seemed a good model for my image of Nienna, so I created this as a contribution to Gina's site Limlight, about the Valar.
Legolas. Added 24/2/05. To complete the trio of Sindarin princes, I manipulated an image of Legolas to match Thranduil and Oropher.
Oropher. Added 24/1/05. Penn wanted an image of Oropher (father of Thranduil) for her site about the Sindarin princes, Eyes used to wonder and beauty. We decided on Jeremy Brett as a model, and I created this image for her.
Thranduil. Added 12/9/04. My friends and I thought that Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter films) would make an ideal Thranduil (father of Legolas). This is a manipulated image of Malfoy.